Interview with Vicky Heiler
Vicky Heiler (@vickyheiler on Instagram) is a great role model for many of us on how to balance a lot and still stay in a positive energy and not worry too much. Mindful Living is a fixed part of her life. In this interview, she shares more about her personal strategies for managing it.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” - Jon Kabat-Zinn
In the meantime The Mindful Movement has become quite present in Europe, and one hears and reads about it more and more often. Meditation, body scans and yoga exercises - tools that are also used in the MBSR technique - are offered in many places and lead practitioners to a better and healthier self. But how does MBSR actually work?
“Inner strength is not all or nothing. You can build it like a muscle.”
- Rick Hanson, Ph.D.
For the brain, meditation is probably what your squats or abdominal exercises are for the body. But what is behind it, what exactly happens in the brain and how does it work?